So, I know what you are all wondering - Where's the new art?! Well, after fighting against my shitty laptop for God knows how long, I have finally got my new Miss Circle pic to the point where it is ALMOST FINISHED! And this time, I'm not gonna be cutting corners like I did with the Hoppy Hopscotch one. No, this time, I'm gonna fully shade it (or shade it as much as I possibly can given how I'm using G*MP) and really go as all out as I possibly can given, again, my limited tool set! Now, I know that most people won't give a fuck one way or another. I know that a lot of people on here disregard my art as little more than half-baked garbage. I'm perfectly aware of all of this. But at least some people will, I don't know, give it a look at the very least? So at least you have SOMETHING to look forward to at the very least, though who knows? I could also pull up other stuff as well if I absolutely need to.